AzureDevops Create Octopus Release assuming source is in tfs

I’m using the “Create Octopus Release 2.*” task in AzureDevops, and I’m not 100% sure but it seems to have changed the way it retrieves the commit messages which assumes that they are coming from AzureDevops. In my case the source is in Github and I’m getting an unauthorised error where it seems to be passing the devops token to github.

In Octopus-CreateRelease.ps1 in Get-LinkedReleaseNotes it grabs a list of commits and then queries the location field, which in my case is a github url not devops.

Hi Simon, thanks for reaching out.

I’m sorry you have run into this limitation of the plugin. This is a known issue, and is being tracked at You can subscribe to the GitHub issue to receive a notification when it is updated.

Matt C

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