Azure Webapp deployment

I was using Azure webapps deployments based upon an Azure Account(Management Certificate) in combination with an Azure Resourcegroup and Webapp name. However, after upgrading to the latest version, it’s not possible to deploy to Azure Webapps using this information. Only deployments based upon service principals seems to be possible. are the Certificate Management based Azure WebApp deployments deprecated? (The ‘Deploy Azure Webapp’ template step is missing the Account section, which I was using)


Yes unfortunately Azure has announced that from June 30th 2018 they are retiring support for Service Management API, which directly affects Azure Web Apps / App Services steps in Octopus.

Steps created using an earlier version of Octopus using the old certificate authentication will still work, but new ones will need to be using Service Principal Accounts, refer to on how to do this.

Let me know if you have any issues
