Azure service fabric

Are there plans to build a step in octopus for deploying to service fabric?
We currently use an azure powershell script step to deploy applications to azure service fabric. The step allows variables/parameters to be passed into the script which is great. However as part of the deployment we also want to change some variables in cloud.xml files held in the package but i havent spotted an easy way of doing this yet?
Something like with the deploy a resource group step it automatically replaces variables in json files and with the deploy package step you can select to Substitute variables in files.


Thanks for reaching out!

Adding a dedicated step for Service Fabric is not exactly in our plans, but mostly because pretty much nobody asked :). Would you mind creating a uservoice suggestion so we can see how many users would like this to happen?

At the moment the way to go would be using an Azure Resource Group Template and replacing variables in the JSON files.


Hi. We already use the json template for setting up the fabric but for the applications the ps1 script is more suitable.

There was an old suggestion with 312 votes which was raised in may last year but i would have thought service fabric has grown in use since then.

Hi - I’m afraid that at the moment, adding a comment there and some votes is the only thing we can offer. We’ll definitely take a look at highly-voted suggestions (as always) when we decide which will be our next kind of deployment to support.

Best regards,

I see that the issue on Uservoice is now the fifth most popular feature by vote count. Is there any possibility that this might get more attention in the coming months?



Hi Alastair,

Thanks for reaching out. Yes, that’s very possible. We are very committed to tackle down all the suggestions at the top of the list in 2017, and while that one is on our radar, we still haven’t come up with a strategy for it.

We’l definitely blog about it when we decide what we’re gonna do. So stay tunned to our blog :slight_smile:


Thanks Dalmiro :slight_smile:

We’re using Service Fabric and Octopus at the moment. I’d love to share with the Octopus developers what we’re doing at the moment and what we’d like Octopus to do for us if native support for Service Fabric were added. Please do drop me an email if you’d like to talk it over at any point.

All the best


Hi Alastair,

The best place to leave that kind of feedback would be in the Uservoice suggestion itself as a commend. It’ll be really appreciated :slight_smile:


Also looking for Azure Service Fabric functionality. Otherwise, Love the Octopus! Great Work!