Azure Kuberenetes Cluster with Azure AD integration


We have an ARM template that does the initial setup of our AKS cluster and add AD integration as part of the install following this guide We then use the Powershell step to add the target. It adds correctly, but then fails to connect with the following error:

kubectl version to test connectivity
To sign in, use a web browser to open the page and enter the code
BEM62JFDV to authenticate.
CancelRequest not implemented
Failed to acquire a token: acquiring a new fresh token: waiting for device code authentication to complete: autorest/adal/devicetoken: Error while retrieving OAuth token: Code Expired

Am I missing a permissions step or has anyone seen this? I did add a similar issue on the MS to try to figure out troubleshooting.

From some other posts, it looks like MS added a --admin switch to get-credentials to bypass this and get general admin credentials. In order to do this we might need a way to toggle that switch.

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