Azure CloudService deployment

I have setup a Azure Deployment project in Octopus (version and followed the instructions from documentation ( My Tentacle is installed on premise on my OctopusDeploy server. I downloaded the certificate from OctopusDeploy Server and uploaded to CloudService Certificate but I am getting a 403 (attached is screen shot) on upload step.

Any ideas what should I do?


“An exception occurred when calling the ServiceManagement API. HTTP Status Code: 403. Service Management Error Code: ForbiddenError. Message: The server failed to authenticate the request. Verify that the certificate is valid and is associated with this subscription… Operation Tracking ID: .”

Due to brief documentation and my brief Azure experience, I was uploading the certificate into Cloud Services Certificate tab but I had to upload it as Management Certificate into Settings!

Thanks for the feedback, we’ll address this in the next release!
