Avoid multi-package version selection for step template packages

Hi guys could you consider making nuget package selection for scripts used inside a package on a step template?
If you use many times the same step template in the same project, this just feels awkward (see screenshot)

On the request for improvement side, having the possibility to clone a single step inside the same project would help a lot.

Oh and now I realize that it even tries to download this very same package as many times as the step template is used :frowning:

Hi Arnaud,

Thanks for contacting us!

I’m not sure exactly what you mean by “making nuget package selection for scripts used inside a package on a step template?” and the image you sent with it. Would you mind explaining further?

As for cloning a step inside a project, we do have a UserVoice suggestion up here: https://octopusdeploy.uservoice.com/forums/170787-general/suggestions/6470009-cloning-of-steps
So feel free to place a vote for it!

As for downloading the package multiple times, that was a bug that has been fixed in version 3.3.11. https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/Issues/issues/2459



Hi, I am running latest version (3.3.22) so the download should not occur but still it does.
Let’s make a bit of context. I have a nuget package (OctoScripts) which contains a script which I have registered into a step template.
My deployment project uses this step template at least 5 times with different parameters.
What happens is that when I create a release I am prompted to select the nuget version of my OctoScripts as many times as I used this step template in my deployment.
Although for normal package this does make sense, for step templates it doesn’t unless your step template usages would not be all at the latest version of the template, then maybe that would be useful though I would perfectly understand if this was prohibited.

Hi Arnaud,

Thank you for the reply. As for your issue of it downloading, would you please send me the deployment log where all the packages are being downloaded?

Step Templates should behave the same as a normal package step. Step Templates are designed to easily be able to replicate a step across multiple projects or the same project, but we have to assume they will have different values, we cannot assume it will always be the same.



Hi, here is my deployment log. Looks like the download occurs only once, although it’s checked many times. This is probably quite inline with the behavior described by my screenshot.
I understand that step templates should have different values in their parameters, but if a script (nuget package) works with version X of a template, the probability that you can use version Y of the package with the same version of the template is quite low.

deploymentlog.txt (34 KB)

Hi Arnaud,

Thanks for sending the logs. I understand the issue that you’re seeing. It’s not a bug, each subsequent step just needs to double-check the package is there, as if one step above it doesn’t have it, it would fail. It’s a good backup system essentially. It’s downloading it only once, but each subsequent time you see it in the logs, that’s just saying it’s checking that it’s in fact there.

Kind regards,


Hi, yes it makes sense as long as each step template package is treated as an independent package.
My point is that it should not be treated like that by default unless the template version used is different.