Automatically preselected Last package version not Latest

When I’m creating release I want to have automatically preselected Last package version, not Latest version.
Where I can setup this?

Hi @Matija_Kovacek,

Thanks for getting in touch! Whilst there is no way to change the default for this option, we do have a feature designed to help you select different package versions at release creation.

Channels lets you configure a version rule for your package steps. For example, if i push a hotfix package MyPackage.1.0.1-hotfix. This is technically not the Latest but it is the Last package to be pushed. I can create a hotfix channel where I create a version rule to pick up the -hotfix pre-release tag. When I create a release to the hotfix channel, it will use the package which matches the version rule I have configured.

Our documentation has a lot more detailed information on this channels feature and is worth looking into if you need to select a version of a package which is not the latest.

Does this help? Let me know if this does not help you, or if you have any further questions here.

Best regards,

Hi @Daniel_Fischer,

thanks for an answer. Unfortunately doesn’t help me, we have multiple projects and one wrapper project which we use for releasing those projects to higher environments (we want to deploy all or some of them at the same time).

Each project for the lower environment is released separately. And when we deploy first time to a higher environment (wrapper project) it could happen that some projects in meantime had new releases to the lower environment (which we don’t want in higher env) and some projects didn’t have releases. So we want to make sure to avoid release mistakes that by default is the last version (we have an option that we don’t deploy if the version is not changed). And for a project which we want to deploy we select release version.

It’s only that we have to manually select the last version or exclude that release step of projectABC from release to avoid a mistake.

So it would be helpful to have this option in project settings, or option to select Latest or Last version on all packages/release projects when you creating release.

Hi @Matija_Kovacek,

Thanks for getting back. I may need to get some more detailed information to get a better idea of your needs here.

Would you be able to provide some details about how your versioning works?

It would also be very helpful if you could provide some more details about how you have your environments configured here with some examples of your pipeline.

We are trying to get a better idea of your configuration and what exactly entails the Last version. Any additional details you could provide about your setup here will help us in providing you with a good solution here. :slight_smile:

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

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