Automatic release creation

I am using Octopus demo tool v2.6. How to create automatic release when i create new package(Local package)?
I have refered link
But i could not find link Automatic release creation.
Thanks in advance!!!
~ Vinodh

Hi Vinodh,

Thanks for reaching out. Our first screenshot could be more clear now that you mention it. I’ll modify the doc to make it more clear where the “Automatic Release Creation” feature is. Check the attached screenshot for better reference :slight_smile:



Hi Dalmiro,
Thanks for your update. PFA screenshot where i can see automatic release creation option disabled in my project. I have a package location \networkShare\Test. How to use package repository and to create automated release?
Creating package repository steps in your site is bit confusing. Can you give steps to create automated release using local feed?

Thanks in advance!!!
~ Vinodh

Hi Vinodh,

The reason why you have the option disabled, is because you have no steps on your deployment process to deploy a package using the built-in repository. On your screenshot you only have a step that runs a powershell script.

The Automatic Release Creation (ARC) feature only works when using the Octopus Built-In Feed at the moment. ARC will not work with your networkshare package repository.

Sorry it’s not better news :confused:



Sorry my screen shot was wrong.I had a deploy nuget package step which was mapped with local feed.
Anyways, Here is my scenario,

  1. When user check-in files into tfs, i have created automated script to build .nupkg(with version) on \fileshare\test location.
  2. New local feed Feed1 was created based on step 1. It is listing all my package when i give test on Feed1.
  3. I have added a deploy nuget package step in process of my project. I can see Nu Get feed options as Octopus Server (build-in) & Feed1.
  4. I have selected NuGet Feed as Feed1 and selected my package with respective package id. But my package id is not listing when i select Octopus Server (build-in).

So, my ultimate aim is to enable ARC feature & here is my questions,

  1. How to add Feed1 (local feed) as Octopus Server (build-in) feed for ARC feature? As per your last comment, My understanding was ARC will work only with build-in feed.
  2. If Feed1 cannot be converted as build-in feed, what are all the possible ways to create build-in feed using packages from \fileshare\test?
  3. At which scenario we can go for package repository concept?

~ Vinodh

Hi Vinodh,

No worries about the wrong screenshot :).

In this case, Feed1 is a feed you created that is listing the packages on \fileshare\test. This feed is separated from the Octopus Server (built-in), reason why when you select Octopus server (built-in) you don’t see the packages on \fileshare\test. You cannot set Feed1 as a built-in feed.

What you can do is have your automated build script push the .nupkg directly to the Octopus Server (build-in) feed. On this link there is a section for the built-in feed where you can see where to find the info you need to push the package:

Out of curiosity: Are you using Octopack to create your packages with your TFS builds? If not, i seriously encourage you to do so, as it is the best way to work with TFS



Hi Dalmiro,
Sorry for delay response. Was packed with priority works.

I can see an upload feed option in Octopus UI which push my local feed Feed1 to octopus in-build server. How can i push it through my automated script?
In my automated script i am using Octo.exe to build packages. I tried using octopack but it requires solution change in my project (Correct me if im wrong). I am resetricted to do solution change of a project.


Hi Vinodh,

Octopack does need to make a few modifications on your solution. Sad to hear you cannot do it yourself, Octopack would really make your life easier by Packing and Pushing at the same time right after TFS finishes the build. Maybe someone with higher privileges on your project can add Octopack for you? we’ll be glad to answer his doubts if necessary.

To push your package you can use Nuget.exe’s parameter Push. You could also use it to create the package using the parameter pack

Nuget.exe download -
Push param doc -



I understand you are strongly suggesting octopack to build and push packages. I am holding admin privilege to make changes. But i couldn’t try due to our company policy on solution changes. Also, 20+ application solution has to be updated if i use octopack. So we thought other way of achieving deployment without octopack.

Thanks for the info on Nuget.exe. I will automate my script to use Nuget.exe instead of Octo.exe and will get back to you by 15th or 16th Jan.


Hi Dalmiro,
Thanks for extending license and thank you very much for your help in ARC.

Nuget.exe pack/push command is working fine for me to pack/push packages into octopus built-in server.
Apart from automatic release creation I have couple of other question. Soon i will get back to you with consolidated questions :slight_smile:
