Automatic backups stopped working after upgrading to version


I looks like automatic backups stopped working after we upgraded to version
I discovered it the other day when I was in the need on a restore. Up until we installed this version automatic backups had been running as usual. After the date when we installed this version automatic backups stopped. I’m still able to manually request backups and they complete successfully. On the backup page everything still looks normal with the “Backup automatically” option checked and the “Next backup is due…” information. But no backup tasks are actually scheduled or executed.

I would say that it is rather critical to get this fixed


Hi Jan,

Did you recently restore a backup? If you check the task history there will probably be a running backup task that has not yet completed (and perhaps has hung).


Hi Paul,

You are right. I have indeed restored a backup. When I searched the task list I also found a backup task that was hanging. It had been hanging since I did the restore.
I’m trying to cancel it. It seem to take a long time to cancel. We’ll see if the cancel gets done and automatic backups start working again now.

It would be nice if there could be some kind of warning about hanging tasks.

Thanks for your help on this.


Hi Paul,

I’m not able to cancel the hanging backup task. It’s been cancelling for a hour now. I tried to restart the Octopus Server, but that did not have any effect.

Whats you advice to get this working again?



The backup task is still hanging in the cancelling state. And automatic backups are not running. How can we stop the hanging task?


Hi Jan,

Would you be available for a Skype call to try and resolve this? My name is paulstovell.


Hi Paul,

I’ve sent you a Skype contact request. My name is Jan.Lonsetteig

Thanks for helping out
