Autodeploy not promoted to environment when using tenants

Hey guys,

I’m having a weird behavior on a project which i can’t explain / resolve. This project have 5 tenants attached, and perform just :

  • deploy to iis
  • send an email
  • run a jenkins jobs for testing purpose though jenkins api

We use this lifecycle : auto deploy when the release is created, once deployed to Stage2, the tenant should be auto deploy to our hidden prod like this :


When the release is created, the deployed is well started on the 5 tenants, but when the auto deployement to our hidden prod should occurs, only some tenants are promoted as you can see :

This is not only the same tenant deployed, generally the first one deployed in stage2 will be promoted to our prod, but not the 4 others.

Our octopus version is : v2018.7.7

Thanks for any advise :slight_smile:

Hello Jérémy,

Thanks for getting in touch. Sorry you’re having some trouble with this, we think we’ve found an issue that lines up with what you’re seeing.

That deployment related issue was fixed in 2018.8.12 are you in a position to update your installation and see if the problem goes away?


Hello Nick,

Thanks for your reply. Indeed, the issue seems related, I didn’t saw it. :slight_smile: We should be able to update to a more recent version of octopus and see if this fix our issue.


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