API key requires system admin permissions

We are trying to generate a historical report of deployments via API but in order to access the tasks via API it requires system Adminstrator permissions even with Read only permissions on everything. We are going at it from the Octopus.Client Octopusrepository method, but you cannot load the tasks pane without the Administer System permissions. There has to be a better way to limit the access to read only and not allow this user to alter the system.

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for getting in touch! This is actually a known permissions bug at the moment. Taskcreate is required currently to view the page due to the re-run permissions, but we plan on updating it.

Setting the extra permission will be the only way to work around this issue currently.

I will update this thread when the fix goes live.

Thank you for getting back to me on this. Task Create is far more reasonable than the system admin permissions. I will update the user with those perms.
Best Regards,


When using the repository.Tasks.Paginate(…);

In an OctopusRepository instance
We get the following even with a task create permission (as well as view)


I am out of the office for the next fiew days please CC Paul (PNguyen) on this issue

Jeffrey Feinberg

Hi Jeff and Paul

I had a deeper look into this and it seems there’s a bug in our API definition which restricts the listing of tasks to administrators. I’ve fixed this and it will be included in the next release but I’m really sorry to tell you there isn’t a workaround today.

Very sorry you’ve run into so many problems with this and it will be fixed in the next patch release.



Hi Damian,

Any eta for the next release would be? This will help us to plan accordingly.

Thank you very much for your help.

Paul Nguyen

Hi Paul,

This will be part of 2.5.9 with pre-release hopefully within a month.
Hopefully this is a decent estimate, and not just because it’s Friday and I’m feeling optimistic.
Have a great weekend.
