When using the Deploy Kubernetes step in our projects, we can edit all of the options except “Add Volume.” When selecting Add Volume, we receive the below error. The only workaround is to completely remove the step and re-add it, even if all we want to do is add another volume.
An unexpected error occurred in Octopus v2018.12.1: Cannot read property ‘split’ of undefined
Thanks for getting in touch! I’m terribly sorry you’re hitting this strange and inconvenient issue. I actually haven’t been able to reproduce this behavior in my local instance running 2019.2.8. Would you be able and willing to upgrade and let me know if this issue gets resolved?
I don’t see a specific issue of this getting resolved, so I suspect it was fixed in conjunction with another bug fix around the Kubernetes step.
I hope this helps! Please let me know how you go or if you have any further questions or concerns moving forward.
Thank you for your response. We did recently upgrade our test server to Octopus 2018.12.1 (partly because we saw there were a number of breaking changes and permission changes with 2019 versions). We were hoping to resolve the Kubernetes issues on this version.
If the only solution is another upgrade, we might go with 2019.3.0 as it’s recommended in the slow-lane. Have you noticed any major issues with that version from users (permissions, Kubernetes, etc.)? Would we get additional support with the slow-lane LTS version?