Additional unexpected packages are created

Story so far:

  1. Had a website which was the main target for deployment. Octopack was installed and worked.
  2. This project was retired and removed from the solution and a new MVC project was added and is now the target. Octopack is installed and working.
  3. The artifacts that are created on each build is the original site, the target site and for a random test project that.

My question is: How to stop the additional nuget packages being created?


Hi Daniel,

It sounds like OctoPack might be installed on the wrong projects. Could you open each .csproj in a text editor and look for an <Import> line for OctoPack.targets?


Thanks for the reply, I’ve removed all Imports from the .csproj files (there were a few that shouldn’t have been there). However, on deployment the bin folder still contains all sorts of dll associated with my test projects. This is being built and deployed via teamcity. I’m on the latest version of teamcity and octopus deploy.

Hi Daniel,

Is it possible that you have each of the projects outputting their contents to the same folder? Could you attach a full build log from TeamCity and a screenshot of the NuGet packages with the files that you don’t believe should be there? You can attach them here or mail them to me (paul at


Hi Paul,

Thanks for that. You were right. It turns out that we were using an old msbuild script which collated the build artifacts into a single directory. We were using it before Octopus to take advantage of msdeploy (absolute nightmare to use in comparison to Octopus deploy!).

Solution was to build the solution via the sln file from teamcity. All good now - thanks
