When I am trying to publish website, the deployment is getting failed mentioning the access to path is denied. This issue is coming after upgrading to latest version 3.2.3.
Please find attached the log file for your review and let me know if any more information is required.
Any update for my above request. It is happening when I enable to create website and application pools. When the same is disabled, the process is getting successfully.
Before upgrading to 3.2.3 was you Tentacle using a specific user account, or was it using the default SYSTEM account?
Could you log on to the server and check the permissions on that file, as it looks like the Tentacle does not have permissions on that file.
The issue is getting replicated when we already have another existing website with same port configured as the website getting deployed. When we remove the old website from the IIS, the deployment is getting success.
Actually, I just re-read your last comment and you can’t have more than 1 IIS Website listening on the same port, this is why your deployment fails when you have an existing website listening on the same port as the website you’re trying to deploy.