Is their a quick way to pull what environment/machine ROLES are assigned to ? I was wondering if their was already a script available to pull the projects these roles are tied to or the processes inside the projects ? Thanks.
Thanks for getting in touch! The only way to pull projects based on which roles they use would be through the REST API. You’d need to get every project > deployment process > roles used on it. Unfortunately my searching didn’t reveal any example scripts to do this. You can check out our API wiki page if it helps get you started.
And you can refer to other example scripts in our API repo.
We are currently working on an enhancement to make roles a first class citizen, in the sense that they will likely be treated in a similar way to tags. This should then be a simple API call. It’s still in the early days of development, so we don’t have an ETA or a specific picture on what the final result will look like, but it should make this task a whole lot easier.
Sorry it’s not better news, but I hope this helps! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions.
Best regards,