403 Forbidden (nuget) when executing Step (NEW)


i have the exact same problem described here:

I’m not in a position to be able to re-install the application, as Joao Rodrigues did in the aforementioned thread (and i don’t think installation is the problem here)

i use proget (http://inedo.com/proget/overview) for my private feeds.

When i test the feed without entering a package name, then no package is displayed, with the message… “If you don’t see any results and you are using a file-based NuGet package repository, it might be because your NuGet folder is unavailable. Check that the Octopus service is running under an account that has permissions to access the directory.”

If i test the feed by entering an exact package name, then the package is correctly displayed!

When the deployment is running … i always get:

Unable to download package: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()

Thanks in advance!

i use Octopus Deploy

Seems like visual studio has the same behavior in my case… (lists the package, but can’t install it with 403 error). This makes me think that something is wrong with the nuget server (proget)!

I have also opened a question here:



I don’t know much about ProGet, but I wonder if the .nupkg extension isn’t mapped to a MIME type and so the file isn’t being served. Is ProGet hosted under IIS?


Yes it is hosted on iis…
The mime type was missing, but adding it didn’t make any difference.

thank you

Looks like this is an issue with ProGet (since NuGet.exe can’t get the package either). I see that the Inedo team are responding to your query. I’ll leave it to them but if anything changes please update this thread and we’ll take a look!


I am having an issue now with Octopus Deploy (following an upgrade of ProGet version).
The feeds are no longer accessible from Octopus.
In VS I am able to view and download packages, but in Octopus when I try testing the feed - I am getting:
If you don’t see any results and you are using a file-based NuGet package repository, it might be because your NuGet folder is unavailable. Check that the Octopus service is running under an account that has permissions to access the directory.

Any ideas/leads?


Hi Nir,

Thanks for reaching out.

Since the ProGet feed seems to work from VS, what I would try is

  1. Try to download a package from the feed using nuget.exe alone (not from VS). If this doesnt work, it might be a Proget Issue.
  2. If the above worked ok, i would try to capture the network traffic between Octopus and your Proget feed. If you can do that using fiddler or wireshark and then send us the log, we will be able to get a better glimpse at what is going on.



Hi Dalmiro,

Thanks for your response,
I was able to overcome the issues, when following the upgrade manual strictly as it tells.
You can close this issue.

Thanks again,